Thursday, July 12, 2007

MIA again

This past month has been a doozie. I don't work outside the home but, I am always so behind. OK, so no more excuses. Just to let ya know what has been happening:

My wonderful tomato plants, that I have never been able to grow before, has grown to over 6 feet tall, given us at least a dozen 'maters has fallen to the ground. Yes, it was staked and supported by knee highs so as to not damage it's little limbs...limbs? branches?....what ever. I am devastated and don't know quite what to do about it. I fear if I manhandle the monster to an upright position I will break off limbs...branches. What shall happen to my poor plant.

The second set of bluebirds that reside in a terracotta bird house, have had their babies. This morning I was wandering through the herb garden and I noticed the momma bird on that side of the yard. She was just a fussin' at me. I realized it must be about her little baby. Sure enough, I caught a glimpse of the little one on the ground. I moved slowly back towards the house while telling her: 'I understand that is your little baby. I mean no harm and I will help keep watch with you. Don't want that mean ol' mockingbird to bother the baby' She understood. Calmed right down.

My dearest friend Cindy's mom is in the hospital. Doctors said she won't be coming home. I have spent allot of time sitting with Cindy and took dinner to them one night. I am quite sad and depressed over the whole thing. I kinda wish her mom would "Shit or git off the pot" Old southern saying. Situation taking a toll on my friend. She is an only child so I think it may be harder for her than a person with siblings. I don't know. Sad.

Picture: How do you like my CORNDOG? That is Gizmo with an ear of corn. Who knew dogs love corn on the cob? Cool, huh? If you squint real hard you can see the tomato plant when it was first planted. Just a baby then.

Friday, June 15, 2007

behind times

I have never been the kind of person to jump on the band wagon so to speak. Remember when clam diggers AKA; highwaters, came back into vogue? I giggled and said " I have always had a problem with pants being long enough, I'll be darn if I am going to buy them that way. Well, I succumbed after a few years and then thought I was right with it. Ha! Point is: I just recieved (i before e except after c) received my copy of....TA DA..drum roll:::::::::::::
DENYSE SCHMIDT QUILTS Whoo Hooo! I think I rather enjoy being part of the middle of the band wagon instead of the very end.
Thanks for the dinner suggestion. Note that is singular. Not plural. I don't grill out well. That was always Big Daddy's job. So, I guess I shall miss my Friday night ribeye this summer. Tonight it willl be: Hamburger steaks with mushroom sauce (that's fancy for gravey, and even fancier for Campbells Mushroom soup!) brussel sprouts and Grandma Montgomery's Lemon Cheese Pie. I don't bake well either. But, was missing her and since Pillsbury makes the best pie crust in this house.. Grin!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I know I have been Missing In Action. That's 'cause I have been sewing my little heart out. DH had leave for work at 2 am the past few days and I couldn't get back to sleep. Whoo Hooo! My machine got a workout. OK, except for the thirty minutes that I sewed and sewed and sewed. Then I went to cut them apart....Drat! no bobbin thread . But, I was having fun thinking I was sewing. I am working on my little box of strings. Foundation piecing them like in the Heartstrings project . Wrong picture. Will have to see what I am doing wrong! Anyway, I've used blue for the center strip. They are fun 'cause you don't have to think about what you are doing....much that is.

I am not on NO BUY officially, (with my Stashbusters group) just try to stay that way. Made a mistake, went to Hancock's JUST to buy my 5 McCall's patterns for 99 cents each when what jumped into my arms? Well, 6 yards of batik at half price....hanging head in shame....and 9 yards of another...I am so bad. But it was half price and It begged to go home with me. The 9 yards said it would be a great backing for my "Luscious" quilt for my king size bed. Those are the fabrics on the ironing board. The other picture is of "Lot's 'O Dot's" That is my snuggle, happy quilt. And I love Dots. Like the blog I too love 'em. And stripes. And batiks.
Well, lets see if this blog will post as I preceive it to. Wish me luck.
OH, and let me know what's for dinner. I am fresh outta ideas...I need motivation. Please?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My First Ramble

OK, I am joining all you lovely blogger's that have used up my time. I start with just a few of you but, you all have these links to other great blogs. I never get anything done! You are so interesting and mostly start my creativity juices flowing. My one wish was to enjoy a blog and then meet them in person. Well, last week that dream got closer. I found out that Creative Little Daisy lives one town away from me. And we both love peanut butter banana sandwiches WITH Mayo! I must be a southern thing. Oh, and it has to be Dukes brand mayo too.

Um, about me: I am a quilter mostly. I have one room dedicated to my craft and then parts of it migrated downstairs to the guest room then some of the stuff wandered down the hall to the dining room. Why can't I just keep it all in one place? Well, upstairs is a bit isolated and when I need to be cooking dinner it is just nicer to have some of it downstairs.

I adore my dogs: three Chihuahua's. All so different from each other. These aren't those nasty little shivery chi's either. These are more like the real deal that had to fend for themselves in the Mexican lands. They are tough. They can dig like nobodies business. You have to be able to dig to get a meal in the real world. (of course not in my house) The girls don't dig holes in the yard, often, when they do it is more like a little trench. But oh my in the bed! They dig to China. It is quite cute to see their intense little faces, like they are really doing something.

I have a husband and two grown sons, both married, one has three boys of his own.

We just moved into a new house last September. Am still trying to get things in order and organized. We lived in our other house twenty something years and the house before that for ten years. You just don't know how much stuff got shoved in the attic during that time. That won't happened again. I am to the age that less is more. Too much stuff makes me jittery. Don't like dusting all the bits of play pretties either. Time to simplify my life.

One of my hobbies is cooking. Love to cook and love to eat. I eat what I want and never mind a diet. I don't "do" diets. I enjoy food. It makes me happy.

I have alot to learn about blogging. Wish Creative Little Daisy would show up as a link. Would like to have a list of links as a side bar. This is good enough I suppose for the first day. Oh, and do I allow those? So much to learn.
(figured out the comments part)